4 Differences Between Single-Family and Multi-Family Property Investments in Greenville

4 Differences Between Single-Family and Multi-Family Property Investments in Greenville

by | Dec 2, 2020 | Blog

Real estate investors’ ultimate goal is to earn monthly income from their investments while their portfolio grows in value over the long term. It is extremely important to focus on the niche that is best suited to you and your vision of being a landlord, as well as your finances and leveraging ability. While both Single-family and Multi-family offer a stable investment, there are extreme differences in what they mean for you as an investor. you will need a realistic overview of the costs, repairs, and issues you will face with tenants. Additionally, it is very important to understand the income each type of rental property can provide over the long term. Before making your next investment, read on to learn these 4 differences between single-family and multi-family property investments in Greenville.


Initial outlay and long term value are very important differences between single-family and multi-family property investments in Greenville. Single-family homes are naturally going to require less money, residential loans typically require about 20% of the value as the upfront investment. This type of loan is typically easier to attain and single-family homes. Single-family homes are generally much easier to sell than multi-family properties, so they will remain in high demand over the long term. In the future, when it is finally time to put your exit strategy for the property into motion, you will have a much larger buying pool to market to. LIkewise, single-family homes appreciate faster, as the market demand helps to determine the value of the home. Multiple-family units mean a larger initial upfront investment. Many property managers charge a higher fee to manage single-family homes as well. One fact worth noting, when it comes to financing, multi-family properties with 4 units or less still qualify for an FHA mortgage. Smaller multi-family properties offer this great advantage along with the benefits of a multi-family property.


One difference between single-family and multi-family property investments in Greenville is that when expending time, energy, and finances on repairs, you are only fixing one unit at a time with single-family homes as opposed to multi-family properties. However, with less overall area and fewer operating systems that require maintenance, a single-family home will require less of a budget for repairs than that of a Multi-family property. On the other hand, a greater number of tenants that rent for shorter time spans also means more wear and tear on each unit. you will need to develop a process for rehabbing vacant units in a timely manner, to avoid losing income. Overall, caring for multi-family properties or more time and cost-efficient.

Tenant Issues

The number of tenants that you will be dealing with as a landlord is one of the biggest differences between single-family and multi-family property investments in Greenville. Single-family homes tend to have a much lower turnover of tenants, and the tenants tend to be of higher quality, in wanting to make a home for their family. This generally leads to better overall upkeep and treatment of the property in general and a more responsible attitude and genuine concern for the condition of the property. Additionally, it is much more likely that you will be able to handle wearing all of the hats involved in managing a single property by yourself, from the landlord to carrying out most repairs. Multi-family property involves a higher rate of turnover as the tenants are usually living a less permanent based lifestyle. 


Naturally, there are differences in monthly income between single-family and multi-family property investments in Greenville. Additionally, with only one tenant, a vacancy will mean no income. Single-family homes offer slower growth on your investment and you will be earning less overall income on the property than those with a multi-family property. Another advantage multiple units offer a landlord is an option of living on the property in one of the units, thereby using their primary residence as a source of income, known as house hacking. it is also extraordinarily important to select the right property in order to leverage this to your advantage, nearly or fully eliminating your housing cost, commonly known as house hacking. There is also a lower vacancy burden because all of your eggs are not in one proverbial basket, this is also helpful in avoiding foreclosure.

There is a great deal to consider, including costs, repairs, tenant issues, and the potential income offered by either single-family homes or multi-family properties. When it comes down to it, when considering single-family or multi-family property investments in Greenville as with most things in life, the differences all seem to weigh out in the end. At our job is to help you every step of the way in achieving your individual real estate investment portfolio goals.

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